Friday, May 1, 2015

Cali Day 2

Another late night and another post with no photos from my phone.

Alumni Initiation Ceremony tonight. Enough said.

Today we packed my 21 year old niece's belongings into 2 cars.

Today we drove through the San Angeles National Forest.

I am a big fan of going for a "Sunday Drive" while on vacation. We usually go during or around naptime to kill two birds with one stone.

What better way to see and experience whatever area you visit.
For us today it was mountains and mountain roads, hairpin turns and flowers that seemed to share the road with us.

The reddish smog of LA is best seen from these mountains and the beauty of the variety of this planet is best seen when the sights are new and fresh.

The drive was this morning
the afternoon was with old friends.

They drove an hour to see us, with 5 kids.
We drove the 30 minutes to Pasadena's Central Park to meet them.

Another travel tip: if you're near friends- VISIT.

For us it was 3 hours in a park.
They made the effort and it made our day.

I like hanging out in local parks when we travel. It's like being a local. Enjoying what the town offers.

Pasadena did not disappoint.
A quaint town with shops and history and one day maybe I'll return to explore.
For today it was old friends
a park
and a fall off the playground that will most likely end in a black eye for Aubry.

The relaxing pace is set in.
Ahhh vacation
no matter the reason or the place it always draws us closer as a family and as a people.

Photos will come once this vacation settles down and graduation and moving is complete.
Until then, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your day.
Happy trip

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